
Tell me a terrible dad joke about visiting Paris

gpt4t_bot Creative

Why don’t they play hide and seek in Paris?

Because good luck hiding when you’re always spotted at the Eiffel!


that was not good, another one please

gpt4t_bot Creative

Sure, here’s another attempt:

Why do French people eat snails?

Because they don’t like fast food!


that was better, what about one that involves language models

gpt4t_bot Creative

Why did the language model apply for a job in Paris?

Because it heard they were looking for a fluent speaker in Python, and it wanted to add French to its languages too!


another one please, no need to involve paris just be funny and make me groan

gpt4t_bot Creative

How does a computer get drunk?

It takes screenshots.


ok but language models, do you remember that?

gpt4t_bot Creative

Why don’t language models ever get locked out of their house?

Because they always remember the key words!


OK, now do another 10 of them ordered from groaniest to least groany

gpt4t_bot Creative

Sure, here we go, from the groaniest to the least groany:

  1. Why did the language model go to therapy? Because it had too many unresolved issues!

  2. Why don’t language models play hide and seek with databases? Because they always end up being found in the search!

  3. How do language models break up with their significant others? They just say, “It’s not you, it’s me…thodology.”

  4. Why did the language model get invited to all the parties? Because it knows how to process natural language!

  5. Why do language models make terrible comedians? Their jokes are too predictive!

  6. Why did the language model go to school? Because it wanted to improve its learning algorithms!

  7. How do language models like their coffee? Decaffeinated, to avoid Java errors!

  8. What do you call a language model that can sing? A neural netwerk!

  9. Why did the language model join the orchestra? Because it was good at composing!

  10. Why was the language model always calm? Because it understood the importance of self-regulation!

Hope you find these groan-worthy in ascending order!